THIS IS THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS INTERCESSORY MISSION. It is all about the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10) . It is our mission is to testify of JESUS CHRIST in Spirit and Truth to all inhabitants of the earth. To Heal the sick and broken-hearted, Deliver those oppressed by the devil, Set the captives free, Reveal the MIND OF GOD to People and Nations and ultimately Lead our generation to the Kingdom of GOD. For our Citizenship is in Heaven and we eagerly await the coming of CHRIST. (Philippians 3 vs 20)

Apostle Peter John Gabriel

I am Apostle Peter John Gabriel. Mentored by Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN which is The Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos Nigeria. Currently Pastoring the TESTIMONY OF JESUS INTERCESSORY MISSION (TOJIM) In Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
THIS IS THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHANNEL It is all about the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10)